• Orlando, Florida
  • English: (407) 457-9253
  • Espanol: (407) 462-5946
  • WhatsApp: (407) 457-9253

Frequently Asked Questions

gearfusion > Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


What times do I enter online:

  • For arrivals enter the actual arrival time.  We track the flight numbers so we will adjust accordingly.
  • Domestic flight departure to MCO, plan 3 hours from your resort.
  • Domestic flight departure to SFB, plan 3 hours from your resort.
  • Domestic flight departure to  TMP (Tampa) plan 5 hours from your resort.
  • All International departure flights from MCO, plan 4 hours.

Forms of Payment:

  • Venmo – @gearfusion – last 4 digits to confirm: 9253
  • Credit Card Online upon booking. We use Stripe as our processor.
  • Payment on arrival: Cash, Credit Card, Venmo


  • Gratuity is not included in our Flat rate pricing. This can be added at your discretion.  18-20% Tip, or whatever you feel is fair for the service.

Car Seats:

  • We carry a full range of car seats – not a one-size-fits-all car seat.  All our seats are pre-installed and double-checked for safety. We carry the following for all age ranges:
    • Rear-facing
    • Front facing 5 Point Harness
    • Front Facing Toddler
    • Backless Boosters


Below are the most common questions after booking online or by phone.

  • You booked a Private Vehicle.  No other passengers will be in the vehicle but you and your family.
  • If you successfully booked online, then you are good to go.
  • After booking, the next step is dispatch will contact you 48 hours before your arrival via text to confirm your arrival.  Any changes that can be made should be made at this time.
  • A second text will be sent 24 hours before from your actual driver giving you pick-up instructions.
  • One of our drivers will meet you on Level 2 at baggage claim, collect your luggage, and bring you to the vehicle – Off to your destination directly.
  • If you book same-day or inflight, there are no guarantees.  Give us time to contact you after we secure your spot. – Note: This is very risky, though we have pulled it off each time. – Arrivals Only!
  • Can we stop at the Grocery Store? – Yes!  You will need to pre-order curbside.  We will provide you with the location.  This is VERY popular and convenient.


  • For one-way departures please book as soon as possible.  We prefer no later than 48 hours before you depart.
    • For last-minute emergencies, please call +1-407-457-9253
  • For changes to existing departures please see below under ‘Changes’.


  • Airlines are notorious for delays and changing schedules.  Please call (407-457-9253) or email us (pickup@gearfusion.com), and have the following information:
    • Last name
    • Booking Number
    • All flight changes with times and flight numbers
  • No same-day changes for departures.  We have many other passengers who secured their confirmed pick-up departure time.
    • Example:  Your departure flight is now 45 minutes later and you were notified the night before or the morning of. Now you don’t want to leave your resort up to an hour later.  We can’t change the entire schedule for this.  We’re empathic to the situation, but we have many other passengers who require us to be on time.  We cannot be delayed in this instance.  You/We can’t get the Airlines back on time, so please don’t ask us to change our times that will disrupt others. – This has happened.
    • Note: If we have room we will try, but we make no guarantees.

Refunds & Cancellations

We know things can happen so we want to be as transparent and fair for everyone.

To be eligible for a cancellation refund please read below the qualifying conditions.

  • Full Refund (100%) if canceled within 48 hours before arrival.
  • Partial refund (50%) cancellation 24 hours before arrival.
  • Full refund if the airline cancels your flight.  We may also credit to a later date upon rescheduling your trip.
  • No refund on the day of arrival unless extraneous circumstances (Weather, Airline cancellation, unfortunate death, etc… Please call to discuss – We are known for our flexibility and understanding.
  • No refund for day-of-departure cancellations, due to the fact we have already slotted the time for the driver.

Scheduled times:

  • Arrival: All our transfers/trips are pre-scheduled.  We do our best to arrive on time, however, some things can arise.  Traffic, accidents, the Airline industry doing whatever they want lately with delayed or canceled flights.  The driver will be in constant contact with you.  We have never abandoned a passenger.
  • Departure:  Please be ready to go.  Call the Bellhop 1 hour before you are supposed to meet the driver. The bellhop gets backed up. Plan your departure so it’s a smooth transition back to MCO or SFB.  – This is not the time to hit the Gift store. We are under tight schedules so we want to ensure everyone makes their flights with little stress and angst.

Need help?

Contact us at pickup@gearfusion.com or call +1-407-457-9253 with questions related to the above if it’s easier.
